I just want to make sure you know this in advance, so as not to be scandalized should you purchase my book from Amazon: After you order, it will arrive in a cardboard box with a logo that is supposedly a smile, yet actually represents a caudal transverse view of a curved dickshaft with engorged corpus cavernosa, and corpus spongiosum doing its job (maintaining the urethra as ejaculation channel), all the way to a healthy glans, which is to say, that underside distal penultimate and end-of-the-line of the penis, a very distant geometric cousin to the corner of a wide smile. And then, incongruously placed above that depiction of a happy phallus, the name of a rain-forest daily ravaged by priapic Capitalist Cock . . . or, if you're an optimist, the epithet of a one-breasted gigantic warrior-woman. Though I don't really see the connection, there.