The brilliant, slick, classic dark fiction magazine Shock Totem calls Chiral Mad "a brilliant anthology" and calls the writing "topnotch, and the subject matter is widely varied and innovative. These folks dug their toes in and went for big game."
This book contains my story "The Apologies." In his review, John Boden gives special shout-outs to my fellow co-authors Gary McMahon, Eric J. Guingnard, Julie Stipes, Jeff Strand, the illustrious Jack Ketchum, Gord Rollo, Monica O'Rourke, Christ Hertz, and Gary A. Braunbeck (Links to their websites are included in the review). And of course, Michael Bailey, the man who made it happen.
This book contains my story "The Apologies." In his review, John Boden gives special shout-outs to my fellow co-authors Gary McMahon, Eric J. Guingnard, Julie Stipes, Jeff Strand, the illustrious Jack Ketchum, Gord Rollo, Monica O'Rourke, Christ Hertz, and Gary A. Braunbeck (Links to their websites are included in the review). And of course, Michael Bailey, the man who made it happen.