Really honored to read John Boden's cool, thoughtful review of YES TRESPASSING over at the wonderful Ginger Nuts of Horror. John is a fellow author I admire immensely so his words mean a lot. And he says some things that, for real, make this whole writing-thing I put myself through more worthwhile than I ever imagined it could be. Because Boden is no bullshiter, and nothing's worth more than heart, and this honest, awesome writer touched mine (Without a scalpel! Now that's magic).
Just three tidbits from the review, which, BTW, is in itself a fantastic piece of writing (Read the whole thing to see what I mean):
"Brilliance unfettered and unscarred by convention . . . "
"Imagine a sober William Burroughs writing dark fiction. Almost. Or Mark Twain as possessed by the future spirit of Harlan Ellison. Those descriptors are both close to on the nose while also being as far away from what this is as I can confess. Johnson has an unmistakable voice and a keen eye for the off-kilter. He peoples his tales with realistic characters and earthy observations. . . "
"This is weird fiction at its gonzo best . . ."
Just three tidbits from the review, which, BTW, is in itself a fantastic piece of writing (Read the whole thing to see what I mean):
"Brilliance unfettered and unscarred by convention . . . "
"Imagine a sober William Burroughs writing dark fiction. Almost. Or Mark Twain as possessed by the future spirit of Harlan Ellison. Those descriptors are both close to on the nose while also being as far away from what this is as I can confess. Johnson has an unmistakable voice and a keen eye for the off-kilter. He peoples his tales with realistic characters and earthy observations. . . "
"This is weird fiction at its gonzo best . . ."