Congrats to four of the best writers (and truly awesome, generous people) in the "business" today. Generally, I only enjoy the works of dead authors. But I must allow a few exceptions & when others concur about their greatness I experience a pleasantly surprising jolt of solidarity; this in turn compels me to share, however much I may shiver as I do so. And so, I urge you to check out the works of the following grimscribes (listed alphabetically because I couldn't get their individual actuarial stats):
Michael Bailey, the pineal glands and dura mater behind Chiral Mad, also just got some amazing accolades. His novel Phoenix Rose made the Kirkus Top 100 Books reviewed this year! And he's on the Stoker Reading list for 3 of his own stories ("Bootstrap" from Zippered Flesh; "Coulrophobic" from Here be Clowns; and "Hiatus" from Surviving the End), as well as the Chiral Mad antho.
A.J. French is on the Stoker Recommended Reading List for his story "Rebirth In Dreams" which can be found in Eric J. Guignard's Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations (see below!). This same story of his also just got a stellar review from The British Fantasy Society.
Eric J. Guignard is on the Stoker Reading Read List for his story "Experiments in an Isolation Tank" from Chiral Mad, and for the anthology Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations. I couldn't figure out what picture to use to distinguish this little bit from the A.J. French one, thus the double-exposure.
John Milton at AndyErupts Chose John F.D. Taff's Little Deaths as one of the 5 Best Books of the Year! Little Deaths is also on the Stoker Reading List, as is John's story “The Depravity of Inanimate Things” from Horror for the Good.